If you are worshipping with us for the first time, you may have some questions about the services at Resurrection Lutheran Church. Below is a Q/A to help you feel more comfortable:
What's a service like?
Services at Resurrection Lutheran Church might best be described as "Modern Traditional," where God feeds us with His Word and Sacraments. We utilize a variety of Divine Services from the Lutheran Service Book as well as special printed orders of worship on special occasions. While our services are structured around the historic liturgy, we also utilize both hymnals and projectors to accommodate the variety of needs of those worshipping.
What's the music like?
The music is a mixture of traditional and modern hymns primarily found in the Lutheran Service Book. Depending upon the service, there may be an assortment of instruments used in worship, but mainly we use organ or piano.
How do people dress?
There is a broad range of people who attend Resurrection Lutheran. On any given Sunday you will see people dressed in suits and ties while also seeing people wearing shorts or blue jeans.
What about my kids?
Resurrection likes kids! We attempt to be a very family friendly church. It is our belief that children should be in worship with their families. We understand that means that there is a little more noise and movement at times, but we believe that the best people to teach children about the faith are parents. This happens as we model the example and take the time to instruct our children on how to worship. Special bulletins for children are available from the ushers. There is a Children's Message at most of our Sunday services. For our youngest worshipers, there are also quiet bags available right outside of the Sanctuary.
May I take Holy Communion?
If you are visiting from another congregation in the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, you are certainly welcome to receive the Lord's Supper with us. As a courtesy, we do ask you to please let the Pastor or an elder know prior to receiving Holy Communion.
If you are not from a Lutheran Church Missouri Synod background, we respectfully ask you to wait until you have had an opportunity to visit with the Pastor about this matter before receiving Holy Communion. If you would still like to come forward and receive a blessing, simply come forward and cross your hands over your heart to indicate your intentions to the Pastor.
How can I get connected?
In order to help families get connected, we ask all of our new families to go through a period of orientation called "Who We Are". This orientation is designed to help people understand who we are at Resurrection, how we operate and why we do what we do. All new members are required to complete this orientation prior to being received as members. The classes conveniently meet on Sunday mornings during the education hour. We offer one in the fall and one in the spring following our "What We Believe" information class that instructs people about what we believe, teach, and confess. People coming from non-LCMS backgrounds are required to complete this class as well, and those from LCMS backgrounds are encouraged to take it as a refresher.
Where do I park?
Resurrection's parking lot is right next to the building. Visitors are welcome to park in the visitor parking spaces if they would like. When entering for a worship service, please enter through the "Worship Entrance" (the double doors on the southeast end of the building.) For all others visits to the building, please come to the "Main Entrance" (the doors on the northeast end of the building.) This is to ensure safety of the children in our HIS Ark CCDC.